Acupuncture for Egg Quality

Optimize egg quality

For anyone needing to focus on egg quality, we can work together to aid you in preparing to conceive with timed intercourse, a medicated cycle with or without insemination, or an egg retrieval as part of an IVF. This is approach is geared toward supporting you if you:

  • are 35 years old or older,

  • have high Follicle Stimulating Hormone on lab test,

  • low Anti-Müllerian Hormone on lab test,

  • low antral follicle count on ultrasound,

  • smoke,

  • have been through chemotherapy or radiation therapy and still have your ovaries,

  • have been diagnosed with endometriosis or a tubal disease, or

  • have had abdominal surgery (laparoscopic or open)

In Portland, Oregon, and beyond, ROSEFINCH HEALTH can support you in optimizing egg quality for IVF or trying to conceive with timed intercourse. Expect to spend at least 90 days in treatment before retesting. We focus on your goals and empower you with evidence-based therapies and treatments you can apply at home.

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We work with you to create an individualized plan to optimize egg quality.

How can we help optimize egg quality?


It all starts with the initial telehealth consult. If you are working with a doctor, we ask that you share your health records with us before we meet. Don’t worry, we follow all HIPAA regulations, and your health records will be kept in an encrypted, password-protected, cloud-based electronic health record system.

In our first session, we meet for close to an hour and, our expert, Dr. Lee will review your whole health and fertility history. We will identify your goals, assess the primary areas where you want to focus, and determine modalities you can feasibly integrate.

Our follow up sessions are in person if you live in Portland, OR, and want to receive acupuncture as part of your plan. We will review your individualized treatment plan, answer any questions, and implement treatment to support you.

Our goal is to help you be successful and achieve your fertility goals, but we aren’t interested in over-burdening you with too many things. More ≠ Better. Focusing on a few high impact suggestions that you can consistently incorporate into your daily routine is better.

What if I don’t live in Portland, OR?

We can absolutely work with you via telehealth. Dr. Lee is licensed as an acupuncturist in Washington, Oregon, and California and can provide you with East Asian Medicine and integrative fertility coaching that will support you in your family building journey. Here is how it will work:

It all starts with the two-part initial telehealth consult. If you are working with a doctor, we ask that you share your health records with us. Don’t worry, we follow all HIPAA regulations, and your records will be kept in an encrypted, password-protected, cloud-based electronic health record system.

In our first session, we meet for close to an hour and, our expert, Dr. Lee will review your whole health and fertility history. We will identify your goals, assess the primary areas where you want to focus, and determine modalities you can feasibly integrate.

In our second session, we will review your individualized plan. Our goal is to help you be successful and achieve your fertility goals, but we aren’t interested in over-burdening you with too many things. More ≠ Better. We find focusing on a few high impact actions that you can consistently incorporate into your daily routine is better.

If you need further support, we also have package plans where you can access more support, follow up on your progress, and make modifications to your plan.

Still have questions? Contact us below.