
If you don’t live in Portland, Oregon, ROSEFINCH HEALTH can provide online telehealth service to residents in California, Oregon, and Washington. We specialize in fertility support, IVF support, and support for many issues related to your period, pelvic or vulvovaginal pain. For fertility, we can train our focus on three important areas: eggs, the womb, sperm, or all of them. We can also focus on pelvic pain, vulvovaginal pain, integrative cancer support, and general health and wellness.

Virtual access to experienced and evidence-informed integrative medicine is needed. Rosefinch Health is built on three important concepts: adaptability, resourcefulness, and inspiration. This comprehensive approach supports the whole person with education, empowerment, and support. And, to ease access to this care, reduce your risk of coronavirus exposure, and the burden of more in-office visits, (or anything that could delay your next fertility treatment!), we deliver it all online.  

Live outside California, Oregon, or Washington? We may still be able to work together. Call or email us to learn more.



Initial consult

Our initial telehealth consult is performed over two 50-minute virtual sessions. Before our initial session, you will be asked to complete a health history questionnaire and to provide a copy of your health records to us.

First meeting: We will do a complete records review, discuss your goals, review your health history, and identify areas where integrative medicine can help you. If any tests are needed, we will recommend they be completed before our second session.

Second meeting: We will review an individualized plan with you that will include individualized nutritional supplement recommendations, self-administered manual treatments, self-care strategies, movement therapies, guided imagery meditations, and any appropriate referrals. And, with your consent, we can connect and collaborate with your doctor. 

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Follow up telehealth consults.

Expanded consults are 50 minutes. These sessions are scheduled to review and implement specific areas of your treatment plan. Our goal is to help you implement these into your life without having to go to another office visit. We will demonstrate and train you how to self-administer new therapies and review your progress and thoughts about your plan. 

Focused consults are 20 minutes and can be scheduled for a consultation on changes in health status, treatment plan, or specific counseling on components of the plan, support, education or answering questions.

Brief consults are 10 minutes and serve as a check-in or if minor adjustments are needed to the plan. We are here to support you. 

All consults are provided via telehealth technology.